Nike Arrives

Many of those who have spoken to me about the Neptune Thermoregulation System have heard the story about my experience at the 2012 World’s Toughest Mudder and why I felt something could be created to help prevent that situation. During my self driven education about human thermoregulation I was determined to expand on what I learned during my undergraduate Exercise Science program. I had to better understand how the body adjusts for both excessive heat loss as well as too much heat retention. In addition, gaining a grasp on how the radiant heat from the sun affects thermoregulation as well as how water and air flow contribute.

When I started designing the Neptune I was determined to solve the hypothermic issues and do so in a way that would work even if it’s owner was in and out of water. However, I also considered the fact that this piece of equipment needed to be much more than just a heated base layer. This garment needed to be a piece that could be the foundation of ANY athletic endeavor. Even without the external heat the shirt can be used as an undershirt, a racing top, a windbreaker base layer (using the pouches), a swim/surf shirt, as well as many more applications. It’s high breath ability and Durable Water Repellent (DWR) treated fabric make it highly effective at cooling the body as well. On top of all of this the shirt pockets have multipurpose as well because they can hold nutrition, your phone, keys, credit card in addition to the pouches for which they were designed. The cooling aspect of the Neptune Thermoregulation System involves using these pockets to hold ice or frozen gel packs to aid in controlling your body temperature in the heat.

It is the cooling part that has apparently peaked the interest of Nike and their Sports Research Lab as they have created a prototype “Cooling vest” that was worn by Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova this past week during practice at the US Open. From the description in this article, it sounds pretty close to the Neptune’s patent pending design, so I will be tracking this closely.


Bottom line, if Nike is looking into the benefits of thermoregulation assisting apparel then this market could be a real thing in the future. Neptune Performance Products is proud to be first to market with a product that can truly do it all and has been proven in some of the harshest competition conditions possible at the 24 hour World’s Toughest Mudder! No need to wait for the Nike Vest because the Neptune is available now. For more information about the Neptune check us out at

Do you like pain?

Chances are if you are like most people then you loth pain/ discomfort. So why is it that so many people put themselves through discomfort unnecessarily… Now I’m not talking about that pain that leads to something great like crushing a hard workout nor the discomfort of grinding out a brutal race. The pain I am referring to is when it is most certainly avoidable but we are willing to put ourselves through it because we are either too lazy to do what we know is necessary, or we simply didn’t have the foresight to plan ahead for the contingency that we are facing.

Think of it in this scenario: you go into a dealership to buy that new car you have been eyeing, researching, even stalking for the past couple of months and today is the day. You are then given the option, do you buck up and pay the few thousand more for the all wheel drive (AWD) upgrade or stick with the 2WD model. You think to yourself, “I don’t think we’ll need the AWD, it doesn’t really snow that much here and we rarely get off the pavement. 2WD will be fine.” Fast forward to the first obstacle race of the season… with parking in a field. It’s also been raining for like four days prior to now. So now there’s this. You wife is pissed because the new SUV stuck in a field and now you have to find two buddies to help you push her out of this ridiculously muddy field all because you didn’t see this coming.

Unfortunately the above scenario is more common than most would like to admit. Wouldn’t you just  prefer to have that warm and fuzzy confidence of knowing that you could simply push a button on your dash and this problem would be solved?

Now let’s rewind to a few hours earlier. It’s cool and there is a chance of rain today and you are getting dressed for the race. There are three possible scenarios here:

A. You decided you wanted to have a third pair of racing shoes because they looked cool and you like shoes rather than purchasing that Neptune Thermoregulation System.  Now you are going to have to deal with the possibility of freezing your ass off while you are waiting for the race to begin and God forbid it start raining during the event. There is also a chance of failing an obstacle and having to stand in the rain and rest for a bit while your body heat is quickly dissipating it’s heat… Well this is all very unfortunate!

B. You opted to buy the Neptune over those shoes and now you are getting ready for that race and you are thinking; “it’s not supposed to be cold very long today and there is only a 30% chance of rain. I am in awesome shape right now… I’m going shirtless today! Spartan Up MF’er! So you are now basically in the same predicament as you would be if you bought the extra shoes.

C. You have your Neptune AND you are wearing it to the race… AND you brought your body warmers. Great planning you freaking boy scout! You planned ahead and now you can make the decision of whether or not you need to load the heaters or how many heaters you will need. Now you are not freezing your nuts off before the race. You have properly configured your Neptune to keep you from getting too hot during the event and now have no worries about hypothermia if you get stuck during the event.

Man what a difference experience life can be if we just make a few decisions with the forsite of Murphy’s Law. The military puts together a contingency plan for their back up plan…Maybe you should too. That way next time your shirtless body will not have froze before the race causing ridiculous shrinkage, and then getting you again at that damn slick obstacle. Nor would your wife be giving you the silent treatment and forcing you to sleep on the couch tonight because it’s your fault she had to park far away in a muddy field and got stuck without AWD in her new SUV and now missing that baby shower she was supposed to attend.

Clearly the lesson here is to be the boy scout. Plan ahead. It’s always better to have options and be able to avoid the pain. Be smart! Life’s easier that way!

Using the Neptune

Let me clarify something right off the bat. The Neptune is titled as a Thermoregulation System for a reason. It’s not simply a heated shirt because it works with the body’s natural heat loss and retention mechanisms to ensure that your internal environment stays relatively stable. This means that it’s difficult to actually overheat while wearing the Neptune even while running in warmer weather. That doesn’t mean you won’t feel hot but you certainly won’t overheat, in most cases, because your body will send blood to other areas where the pouches are not located in order to ensure heat loss. Kind of the opposite occurs when out in the cold. In this instance, the body attempts to retain as much of the heat in the core area of the body as possible. This is why the heated pouches are located around the abdomen. Another way the body loses heat is through the process of convection. Basically airflow. You will notice this on a windy day or when you stand in front of a fan. The air immediately next to your skin is warmed by your body. This warm air is then recycled with cold air that is blowing at you. The Neptune Inferno pouches act as a wind blocking barrier to resist some of this convection heat loss. This is especially important on a windy day or while cycling or skiing. I have taken time to go through this long explanation because I have heard from numerous people the phrase, “I don’t want to overheat!” This makes me laugh. You are simply not seeing the entire picture if this is your thought process but that’s okay because that’s what I’m here for!


In the paragraphs below, you will find a lengthy description of how to best apply your Neptune your goals and a variety of instances whether that be to optimize performance in a race like world’s toughest Mudder or to Simply be comfortable at your kids soccer game. Your Neptune is a tool with many more applications than you may have considered. I feel this piece of apparel is basically like the Leatherman in your gear bag… You won’t really know what all you can use it for until you have it. Which brings to my first point…


 The bottom line is also step one, you can’t use the Neptune unless you have it with you!!! This may sound like a no brainer, however, this issue is the biggest complaint I hear from Neptune customers…”man I wished I would have brought my Neptune!” Call it Murphy’s Law or a lack of preparation but you need to bring it/wear it if you think there is even a remote chance you may need it. The method in which you implement it can vary a lot but at least you will have it as an option. Heck you can wear it as an undershirt and no one will even know you have it on!


Inferno Pouch Configurations by changing which spots you have the pouches you can control their desired effect.

  • Fully loaded- all 6 pouches means maximal heat production and protection against wind and heat loss due to air flow.
  • Front/ Back- this combination of 4 pouches will still provide a lot of heat retention while still allowing some airflow. It will also give you the flexibility of moving the pouches to increase airflow and/or use the empty pockets for nutrition, etc.
  • Front only- this 2 pouch configuration allows for a little bit of extra heat as well as a front wind breaker. This is the optimal configuration in moderate temps where wind is an issue during running and especially during cycling
  • Side only- you would utilize this 2 pouch setup if you are just bringing the Inferno pouches along just in case you get into trouble. Examples would be a chance of rain, a change in temps during your outing, or maybe the chance of getting stuck at an obstacle during an OCR (obstacle course race)
  • Rear only- a person experiencing low back pain might use this style to help warm up that area during physical activity
  • Empty pouches inserted various pockets- a person might use the empty pouches as windbreakers when extra heat is not really necessary.
  • Empty Pockets- this would be the style utilized when you are using the shirt as a compression shirt, racing jersey or training top


Use as a Rash Guard

  • Watersports often require participants to wear a shirt for protection. This might mean to avoid overexposure to the sun or protection against chafing under a wetsuit. Either way the Neptune Armor shirt is just what the doctor ordered for this application. It is coated with a Durable Water Repellent (DWR) to help it shed water and dry quickly. This combined with it’s light compression design will mean that it will not stretch  and sag getting in the way.

Use as a Base layer

  • When you using the Neptune as a base layer the number of heaters used will depend a lot on the application. For instance, if you are wearing it while hunting where you are basically seated then but have warm Gore Tex/ waterproof clothing then you would need less heat than if all you had was Polartec. Along those same lines if you are going to be hiking then minimal body warmers will probably be necessary
  • The fact that the pouches double as a windbreaker make it ideal for skiing.
  • Using the Neptune as a base layer when you are doing something where you will likely get wet is also a great idea because of it’s quick drying properties as well as its ability rewarm your body on it’s own. One of the fastest ways to get hypothermia in the cold is to get wet and stay in those wet clothes.

Use as a Training Aid

  • You can use pockets during the the summer to carry ice or ice packs to help cool you down.
  • You can also use the pocket to carry nutrition or your phone during a ride or run or even in the gym.
  • Use the body warmers on a tight low back any time/place

Use as a Racing Top

  • The Armor shirt is designed to be durable and quick drying and the pockets are multifunctional. This make it a perfect racing top for:
    • Obstacle Racing
    • Triathlons
    • Running
    • Watersports
    • Rock Climbing

Points to remember

  • When in cold water the warm heaters can cause condensation to develop inside the pouches. This is normal and won’t likely produce enough water to halt the chemical reaction that causes them to generate heat.
  • Never overstuff the pouches. This can pop the seams. If this does happen you can use Wetsuit repair cement to re-glue the seams
  • Should any of the pouches leak and become waterlogged then simply remove the body warmer, wipe out the inside of the pouch with a towel and insert a fresh warmer
  • If you only use the warmer for a few hours then you can place any partially used warmers into a ziploc bag and squeeze out the extra air. This will allow you to reuse the body warmers.
  • Never place the Neptune Armor shirt nor the Inferno pouches in the dryer. Air Dry only!
  • The DWR on the Armor shirt will begin to lose its effectiveness after numerous washes. You can “recharge” this water repellency by occasionally spraying it with a product such as Nikwax TX. Direct


World’s Toughest Mudder/ Xtreme Sports

  • Racing Top
    • Heaters are optional
    • The empty pouches can be inserted to protect against wind
    • As you transition to the night you would add the heaters and likely be able to run a lap with without having to transition into anything more (the ability to do this can vary a great). You can also just add a windbreaker/ rain jacket such as a Frogg Toggs in order to better trap in the heat and limit the direct airflow around your skin.
  • Under the Wetsuit
    • The body warmers need a constant supply of Oxygen to continue to produce heat. Putting the rear zip wetsuit over the Neptune will smother the body warmers. However, the Neptune System and warmer still provide insulation to the cold which makes a huge difference….
    • Having the Neptune under a wetsuit will also increase the air pressure on the pouches. This can cause them to leak. However, it doesn’t really matter if the warmers are wet in this instance because they are serving pretty much as an insulator in this situation (see point above)
    • Optimally you would have a front zip wetsuit that will allow you to not only vent excess heat when you are too warm but the venting also allows the body warmers to start breathing again and start producing heat again.
  • Over the wetsuit
    • Wearing the Neptune over a wetsuit will allow the Neptune to breathe and provide the insulation effect on the outside of the wetsuit. However, there is less heat transferred directly to the body in this instance
    • The best plan of action when the Neptune is over your wetsuit is to wear a windbreaker jacket as an outer layer. This will trap in the heat produced by the body warmers. In the event of extreme cold and/or high winds I recommend utilizing this method because you will receive the protection from the cold water from your wetsuit; extra warming from the Neptune and well as another layer of windblocking from the pouches, and then the added external insulation properties from the jacket. You can always vent the jacket should you get too warm.



    • Why won’t you necessarily feel the warmers? Your skin notices a change in temperatures. This is why you use the back of your hand to feel for a fever. Once the heater warms your skin to match its temperature you will no longer feel it. This doesn’t mean it’s not working.
    • I noticed after wearing the Neptune the spots where the warmers were are red for a long time. Why is this? See above, the warmers have warmed the spot where they touch the skin. This causes a flushing effect this can last up to a few hours after the body warmers are removed.
    • Will the body warmers continue to produce heat under a wetsuit or under water? The warmers need Oxygen to push the chemical reaction that generates heat. The wetsuit will allow some air to reach the warmers but the decreased air flow will limit how much heat they will produce. Underwater however the chemical reaction will stop and they will stop producing additional heat until they can breathe again. In addition, the warmers contain Iron Oxide and charcoal. These two ingredients happen to make great insulators so even when they are not producing heat they help prevent you from losing your own body heat.
    • What would the pouches to leak? The pouches have a permeable membrane that allows air to pass through but not water. This passage of air prevents a vacuum effect that would normally draw air and water in through the top trifold. However, if something prevents air from passing through the fabric then it is possible that water could be drawn in through the opening. This is a possible scenario when the Neptune is worn under a wetsuit. The Neoprene is blocking the fabric on one side and your skin is blocking it on the other.


  • Will putting the Neptune in the drier damage it? Yes, the high temperatures in the drier can damage the lycra and will most definitely decrease the life of the product.


    • Can I use the body warmers without the pouches? NO! This can result in the warmers burning you. Yes, I tried it and it did burn me and leave scars!


  • How do I keep the pouches from coming out of the pockets? You will notice that there is a built-in fabric overlap at the top of each pocket. The purpose of this is to allow your to tuck the pouch up under the lip to prevent it from coming out.
  • What type of warmers should I buy? The Neptune Torch pouches were specifically designed to hold the 3 inch x 5 inch Hot Hands Super Warmers. These larger body warmers get much hotter than the smaller hand warmers and they also last up to 18 hours whereas the hand warmers only last about 4 hours.
  • Should I wear anything under the Neptune? This will depend on the application but just remember this; the further the warmers are from the skin the less direct heat transfer there will be. Also, if the item under the Neptune gets wet (which will speed in cooling you) and it doesn’t dry quickly then it doesn’t matter how fast the Neptune dries. This decreases the effectiveness of the Neptune and increases the likelihood you will get cold.


  • A lot of my compression shirts tend to “ride up.” Will that happen with the Neptune? The Neptune Armor was designed to be about 2 inches longer than a comparable light compression shirt. This limits the chances the Neptune will come untucked and ride up. However, the rigidity of the pouches/warmer will mean these will pull up a bit if your arms go overhead.

In the end the Neptune is a tool… a weapon! When used correctly it can give you the competitive edge over the athletes around you. If nothing else it will provide that warm hug of comfort you need when things get tough. Good luck and Godspeed!

Are you ready for OCRWC?

The Obstacle Racing World Championships are almost here! 2,000+ athletes from 67 countries will descend upon Blue Mountain Resort in Ontario, Canada with an ultimate goal of bringing home a medal for their native country. For most this is but a dream; however, that doesn’t mean the masses will give anything less than his/her best. That being said should a competitor underestimate mother nature and how much she can affect a race then that racer could be in for a long day. I fully believe in the motto “plan for the worst and hope for the best,” so you can bet that I will come prepared. I put this blog together in hopes that I can provide a little bit of clarity as you contemplate your OCRWC race(s).

Things you SHOULD have done to prepare:

  • Lots of hill sprints!
  • Planned out your gear so you have items like a hat/ swim cap, wind breaker, Neptune Thermoregulation System or Frog Skin, etc
  • Practiced your obstacle skills at you local Ninja Warrior Gym like KoR Komplex in St. Charles, MO  and various grip hold types to prepare you for the Platinum Rigs and other obstacles.
  • Practiced gripping items in the rain or while they are wet!

Items to bring (these will vary based on your experience level, conditioning, resistance to cold, etc)

  • Windbreaker/ Rain Jacket (this is a must if you are not an elite who is moving FAST). I recommend the Frogg Toggs Pro Action Jacket. This jacket is light and packable but still pretty durable. It is also relatively cheap so you can discard it if necessary. The biggest reason this is a great choice is it’s design. The fabric will not compress and stick to your skin when it’s wet. This means it will keep you warmer in the wind! It will also help trap in your body heat. As a last resort if it’s raining hard you could always start the race in a trash bag and then discard it at the first trash can your see.
  • Neptune Thermoregulation System. If you are wet and you happen to get stuck at an obstacle then you will wish you had one of these to keep you warm especially if it’s windy like it is supposed to be. In addition to warmth, the pouches of the Neptune are designed to block wind so even if you choose not to use the warmers this system will still come in handy!
  • Gloves. The expected rain will make gripping all of the obstacles a little dicy. This is where having a pair of grippy gloves with you may be necessary.

Things to consider on race day

  • Wet clothing will make you colder than no clothing at all… except (see below) , so your race wear needs to be quick drying
  • Less clothing means more exposure to wind you may want to have that windbreaker in your plan especially if you are racing early in the morning.
  • Being cold causes the body to retain blood in the core of the body in order to stay warm. This lack of blood flow to the arms weakens your grip
  • The more obstacles you fail  the more cold you will get because in general I have found that using the following rest formula works well to ensure you have recovered enough to make another attempt at a grip based obstacle:
    -Wait 5 min after your first failed attempt to try again
    -Wait 10 min after your second failed attempt
    -Wait 15 min after your third fail and add 5 minutes for each subsequent fail until you reach 30 minutes of rest. After six attempts you will likely need up to 30 minutes between attempts but remember you will eventually be pulled from the course if you cannot finish by the event cutoff.

Understanding how all of the above will play into your race is the key. Planning for this is your duty because if you “fail to plan then you plan to fail!” I see my role in this process as educator. Providing you the information so you can perform at your best. I remember the line from G.I. Joe when I was kid “knowing is half the battle!” Now you know so go out there and crush the course!!! I will see you in Canada ehh!


Thermoregulation for the 2018 Spartan World Championships

  • The Lake Tahoe venue has been home to the past three Spartan World Championships and 2018 will be the finally for this location. One would think that given the history here racers would come prepared for what mother nature has in store. However, my extensive experience with World’s Toughest Mudder tells me otherwise. You always have the rookies who believe they know better than all of those who have come before them and then you have the ones who vow this year will be different but ultimately allow his/her ego to get the better of him/her.The reality is without proper acclimation to the environment your body will, in a sense, FREAK OUT when it is put in a highly stressful and compromising position. The question then becomes how does one prevent this overreaction so you can perform at your best and tackle the Spartan WC like a boss! I am going to go through a number of vital points to consider as you plan your attack on the course at Squaw Valley:Things you SHOULD have done to prepare:
  • Lots of cold water immersions (both outside and in the shower)
  • Planned out your gear so you have items like a hat/ swim cap, wind breaker, Neptune Thermoregulation System or Frog Skin, etc
  • Practiced your obstacles and or Burpees
  • Arrived a few days or even a week early to Squaw Valley to acclimate to the altitude a bit

Items to bring (these will vary based on your experience level, conditioning, resistance to cold, etc)

  • Windbreaker (this is a must if you are not an elite who is moving FAST). I recommend the Frogg Toggs Pro Action Jacket. This jacket is light and packable but still pretty durable. It is also relatively cheap so you can discard it if necessary. The biggest reason this is a great choice is it’s design. The fabric will not compress and stick to your skin when it’s wet. This means it will keep you warmer in the wind! It will also help trap in your body heat. Should you be wearing a Neptune then you will have even more heat to trap in!!!
  • Swim cap or hat. Keeping your head warm is a real key in a race where weather will likely be a factor. Placing these items in a Ziploc bag is a nice touch if time isn’t as much of a factor
  • Bleggmits. These are a great piece of gear for OCR but if you don’t have these puppies then pulling your hands inside your jacket sleeves and maybe even pulling out and holding two of your Neptune heaters will definitely keep your hands warm… Wait you don’t have a Neptune? Yikes!!!

Things to consider on race day

  • Wet clothing will make you colder than no clothing at all… except (see below) , so your race wear needs to be quick drying
  • Less clothing means more exposure to wind so plan to have that windbreaker
  • Being cold causes the body to retain blood in the core of the body in order to stay warm. This lack of blood flow to the arms weakens your grip
  • Higher altitude will affect your recovery. Slower recovery –> means slower pace –> when you move slower you generate less heat. The arid climate also speeds evaporation. Evaporative cooling is one of our body’s most efficient means of heat loss. When you get wet the wind and arid air will combine to speed your cooling.
  • The more obstacles you fail  the more Burpees you will do. This means you will be warmer in the short run. However, if more Burpees makes you run slower than you might be just prolonging the hypothermia.

Understanding how all of the above will play into your race is the key. Planning for this is your duty because if you “fail to plan then you plan to fail!” I see my role in this process as educator. Providing you the information so you can perform at your best. I remember the line from G.I. Joe when I was kid “knowing is half the battle!” Now you know so go out there and crush the course!



The Complete Guide to Toughest Mudder

The Neptune Thermoregulation System was born out of a need in the sport of obstacle racing (OCR) so it only makes sense for it to be a “recommended gear” option for an eight hour version of a Tough Mudder.

I wrote the Guide linked below so that any obstacle racer could be prepared. However, there are specific things that can be added for those who participate in a race such as this with a Neptune Thermoregulation System because your approach will most likely be a little different. For instance, in milder temperatures you would likely skip the wetsuit altogether; instead opting for a windbreaker type jacket like the Frogg Toggs rain jacket which absorbs no water. In fact check out this video where I do a quick demo/ explanation of how it will benefit you.

It will also help to know things like the number of water obstacles because the wetter you are the faster you will cool down… especially if Arctic Enema is in the mix. In addition, the elevation change can be a big deal because climbing hills will warm you up. Hills can also shield you from the wind. High winds and flat terrain will most certainly mean a race that “feels” colder.

Another factor you have to weigh is whether or not you will be wearing a hydration pack. If so, then you might not want to load the rear Neptune heaters as you might get too hot. If you are wearing a wetsuit then I wouldn’t worry about it as much because that probably means either there are a lot of water submersions or it’s cold so the added heat won’t matter.

When you get a chance, check out this Guide to see how you need to prep for the Toughest Mudder event as well as to further see how the Neptune can be used in an OCR!

The Complete Guide to Toughest Mudder

Dressing For Cold Weather Training

The real key to continuing your training during the winter is knowing how to dress for your cold weather training. Dressing properly will mean that you are just as comfortable in 30 degrees as you are in 60 degrees. Everyone has heard the basics: dress in layers, cover your head and ears, wear gloves, etc. Performance apparel has improved so much over the past 20 years that staying comfortable is now easy. In fact, items such as the Neptune Thermoregulation System will allow you to easily run warm down to zero degrees and below. For this application, I will address your cold weather clothing from the base layer out and then from your head to your toes.


  • Have a good Base layer- Under Armour Cold Gear or a similar garment is designed to hold a layer of air against the skin to help keep you warm. This type of fabric is also designed to pull the sweat off of your skin which helps to prevent you from getting chilled due to the science of evaporation.
  • An insulated mid layer is also a great idea but the extent of this mid-layer will vary greatly depending on the temperature, wind speed and your own personal preferences. Depending on the temperature items such as fleece, and a light wool, or down make for great lightweight insulators the will provide plenty of warmth. The problem here is you need to make sure that you actually dress for 15-20 degrees warmer than it actually will be. You don’t want to get out there and be overly warm because you will sweat too much and could get cold due to being wet.
  • Having a water resistant packable jacket is also a good idea in case there is a light rain on training day. The absolute worst thing that can happen to you in the cold is for you to get wet because wet clothing will suck the warmth right out of you.


  • Make sure to keep your pulse points covered. These are areas where your arteries are close to your skin and where your blood will cool down quickly. This is where the hat, scarf, gloves and warm sock information you have always heard come into play. Other important areas that are usually always covered but I will mention are the arm pits, elbows, wrists, groin, knee pits, and of course your entire core.
  • Carry a buff or balaclava with you just in case. You can use these to cover your face in windy weather as well as cover your neck when necessary. However, the versatility of these also allows you to fold them into a hat/ headband when you get warm
  • Gloves or Bleggmitts are also easy to carry and remove if you start to get warm. If nothing else, keep your wrists covered as this will help with your wrist pulse points (think sweatbands or the thumbsleeve tops)
  • If it’s really cold outside keeping the cold air off of your legs will help to so wearing pants rather than tights will help a lot. The extra space in the pants will provide a barrier to the cold air.
  • Smart wool socks are awesome in the cold. Unfortunately, a lot of the running shoes are meant to vent air in order to limit sweating. However, this means our feet freeze in the winter. Shoes like some of the Icebug models are made to help provide a little warmth but if you don’t have those then make sure you have a pair of Smart Wool socks for those really cold days.

All of the above mentioned items are readily available and can easily be implemented when you have to train in the cold. However, this is just a small sample size of what is out there. I prefer to have gear that is multifaceted in its use so that, in combination, can give me just what I need for any situation. In fact, I designed the Neptune Thermoregulation System to be useful in just about any situation from racing when no external heat is necessary, to being water sports base layer, to help keeping you warm while out on the ski slopes in 15 degrees with a 20 mph wind. A down vest can have a similar versatility and be packed and brought along just in case to almost any outdoor workout. The key is to have what you need and implement it as necessary. Rather than simply avoiding Mother Nature, get out there and have fun in it. I, for one, love nothing more than a run while it’s snowing. It’s peaceful and quiet and my cleated obstacle racing shoes keep me from slipping, so I am right at home in this environment. The key is just being prepared!

To All NFL Players: The Science of staying warm in the playoffs

After watching ESPN over the last month or so and listening to former NFL players explain what these football players do to stay warm and still look mocho it has become comical to me. I am amazed that many of them don’t really understand with is important and what is a good idea and what it not.


The list below is the “skinny” on maintaining body heat during these cold weather football games but they are not in any particular order but will go from head to toe:

One of the biggest keys is to keep as many of your “pulse points” covered and warm as possible!

  • When you aren’t actively in the game take the helmet off and put on a skull cap
  • Wear a balaclava under helmet or at least a neck buff/neck gaiter
  • Wear a Neptune Thermoregulation System under your shoulder pads. This base layer will replace your current one and it provides circumferential external heat through body warmers that will last all day. This system will also block wind and will allow for better mobility and temperature control that using a wetsuit
  • Your normal Nike Dri-fit long sleeve compression shirt can be worn over the Neptune if you are opting for sleeves.
  • If you chose to go without sleeves or forearm protectors then wear a wrist sweat bands. The wrist is a pulse point so you want it covered if at all possible
  • If you wear gloves then place a Hot Hands Body Warmer (same type that goes in the Neptune) in the back of your gloves
  • Wear Nike Dri-Fit Thermal Tights under your pants
  • Wear full length compression socks with a Smartwool base layer running sock underneath. This added layer will help keep your feet dry and warm

Other points to consider that are not apparel related:

  • Make sure you are thoroughly warm before the game
  • Put on the large game jacket as soon as you come out of the game
  • Drink warm liquids throughout the game
  • Keep your feet warm by using the foot warming heaters. There are multiple pulse points in your ankles and feet so keeping these warm is essential
  • Use Vaseline on your arms and face. It will help hold in heat and protect from wind burn
  • Get as thoroughly warm as you can at half time. Warm those pulse points with warm towels
  • ALCOHOL WILL NOT MAKE YOU WARMER. It can actually decrease your core temperature due to sending blood to the skin

If you have any other questions please contact me. It’s better than using Cayenne pepper!